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Content Area Research Paper

This research paper was a required final assignment for FS 5123. Throughout the entire semester, my professor had us focus on our major research paper. She had us complete specific steps of the paper at different points throughout the semester, so that once we completed the final step at the end of the semester, we could put the entire paper together. It was exciting to see the paper come together to form one major research paper, and it helped me to see how meaningful this course and assignment was. Our goal was to choose a topic that related to a family issue. I really loved how we were able to choose any topic area that we were most passionate about, and it was interesting to see what my other classmates chose. The topic of my content area research paper is something that I am passionate about and am an advocate for, especially because I worked with so many individuals who were in those types of situations. I am constantly making sure that I am informed on the current research related to this topic so that I can continue to be an advocate for families and students.


I believe this paper shows off my knowledge base of my content area that can continue to help me throughout my teaching career.


To view my paper, please click on the link below.

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