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Domesetic Violence Podcast

I created my Domestic Violence Podcast for FS 5913.20 to fulfill a required class assignment. I had never created a podcast until this assignment, and I was very pleased with the result. I initially created a PowerPoint Presentation that discussed domestic violence (something that I am very passionate about), and then I recorded myself giving a presentation using the slides I created. This assignment directly shows my effective professional and interpersonal communication skills, while displaying my ability to use technology effectively as a form of communication. While creating this assignment and discussing the topic of domestic violence, I felt like an advocate of healthy relationships trying to bring awareness to this topic. Discussing serious topics like this with my students is a way to show them that I know about the topic and that I can be someone that they can come to in a time of crisis or need. This assignment was very rewarding to create, and it is something that I will actually use in my future classroom.


I believe this item demonstrates that I have mastered Proficiency Four. Please view the video below, and then click the link to see my reflection.

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